What Should You Avoid After Having Your Eyes Dilated?

Having your eyes dilated is a common part of an eye exam. Learn what activities should be avoided after having your eyes dilated.

What Should You Avoid After Having Your Eyes Dilated?

Having your eyes dilated is a common part of an eye exam, and it can help your doctor detect any potential problems with your vision. However, after the exam, there are certain activities that you should avoid due to the effects of the eye drops. Your vision will be blurred and you'll be more sensitive to light, so driving is one of the things you should avoid. For this reason, wear sunglasses and ask a loved one or friend to drive you home if your eyes are dilated as part of the eye exam.

Sunlight or any other bright light may not harm your eyes when they're dilated, but it can make them uncomfortable. Bring a pair of sunglasses for the trip home to reduce glare. Some people feel comfortable enough to drive right after an eye exam. However, it's important to remember that eye exams with dilated eye dilation can help detect problems in the early stages.

How long your eyes stay dilated depends on you and how you respond to the eye drops your doctor uses. The effects usually last longer in people with lighter colored eyes and in children who require higher doses of eye dilating drops. Whenever possible, people should arrange for a friend or family member to drive them home after the eye exam. To prevent and treat diseases before they affect your vision, follow their recommendations for eye dilation and exams.

The most immediate effect is itching, which usually occurs when eye dilation drops come into contact with the eyes. Eye dilation can be performed as part of a complete eye exam or to detect an acute injury, such as retinal detachment. When your eyes are dilated in the doctor's office, your pupils can't react to the bright sun and contract naturally to protect your eyes. However, when your eyes are dilated, you might feel a little uncomfortable, as your eyes have much less protection from light.

Although rare, eye drops may cause an allergic reaction, such as eye redness and swelling of the eyelids. While eye dilation helps your doctor see the back of your eyes better and give you a more complete exam, it's not very useful for you as a patient after you leave the office. Because of the increased size of the pupil and the excess of light that enters the eye, there are a few things you should know after an eye exam with dilated vision dilation. In very rare cases, a person may experience an allergic reaction to eye dilating drops, which can cause eye redness and swelling. The time it takes for your eyes to stabilize and return to normal may vary depending on your eye color, age, and the medications you are taking. To ensure that you get the most out of your eye exams, it's important to follow all instructions given by your doctor regarding activities that should be avoided after having your eyes dilated.

Wear sunglasses when going outside and arrange for someone else to drive you home if necessary. If you experience any itching or redness after using eye drops, contact your doctor immediately.

Kelli Roswick
Kelli Roswick

Avid internet enthusiast. Certified twitter enthusiast. Amateur internet trailblazer. Lifelong internet specialist. Amateur pop culture guru.

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