What Not to Do Before an Eye Exam

Going to the eye doctor doesn't require much preparation but there are still some important steps you should take before an eye exam. Learn what not to do before an eye exam and how it can help improve your experience.

What Not to Do Before an Eye Exam

Going to the eye doctor doesn't require much preparation, but there are still some important steps you should take to ensure you get the most out of your visit. To get the most benefit, it's best to avoid coffee or any type of caffeine on the day of your appointment, as it can significantly affect blood pressure if taken in large amounts. It's also important to refrain from wearing eye makeup or contact lenses for at least 24 hours before the exam, as this can build up in the eyelash follicles and distort the shape of the cornea. Additionally, try to avoid excessive drinking the night before an eye exam and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages the day of.

It's not difficult to suffer from eye strain, either. An easy way to strain your eyes is spending too much time looking at the screens of digital devices, especially if you don't take any breaks. Don't forget to blink too, as this is something you don't do enough when you're looking at a screen. If you have a complete eye exam, this usually includes a retinal exam.

To get a good look at the retina, your eye doctor may need to dilate your pupils. Even if it's cloudy outside, you'll need to wear sunglasses. Most offices offer disposable sunglasses, but these can be flimsy, so it's best to be prepared and bring your own. It's always a good idea to bring your current prescription for eyeglasses and contact lenses, as your eye doctor may want to give you a vision test with them. This is especially important if you're going to see a new eye doctor.

If you have a prescription drug card, be sure to bring it. Otherwise, ask your previous eye doctor to send you your information. Having up-to-date copies of your health insurance or vision documents will always make your eye exam a little easier. If you help us with some considerations, your next eye exam should be simple, seamless and successful. When it comes to preparing for an eye exam, one of the most important steps you can take is to know your family's eye health history. This is because annual eye exams can identify high blood pressure, so it is not recommended that measurements be inaccurate due to too much caffeine in the body.

Having an annual eye exam is one of the best things you can do for your eye health, as it helps detect problems in their early stages, when they are most likely to respond to treatment. To ensure that they can get the best and clearest reading possible, cut back on caffeine before an eye exam. Don't hesitate to ask your eye doctor about any problems or concerns you may have - even if it's something minor such as allergies - as it can be helpful to ask what type of medication you should take. By getting a good night's sleep and avoiding spending too much time in front of digital screens, you're helping to prepare your eyes for a satisfying exam experience. These guidelines will help you get the most out of an eye exam once you schedule your next appointment. If you have more questions about how to properly prepare for an eye exam, contact Gulf Coast Vision Center today.

Kelli Roswick
Kelli Roswick

Avid internet enthusiast. Certified twitter enthusiast. Amateur internet trailblazer. Lifelong internet specialist. Amateur pop culture guru.

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