What is a Peripheral Vision Test and How Can It Help You?

A peripheral vision test is a type of visual field test that can help diagnose possible problems in the field of vision. Learn more about this type of test and how it can help you.

What is a Peripheral Vision Test and How Can It Help You?

A peripheral vision test is a type of visual field test that can help diagnose possible problems in the field of vision. It is used to measure how far you can see in your peripheral vision without looking from side to side, as well as how sensitive your peripheral vision is. This type of test can help your doctor determine if you have any blind spots, where they are located, and what shape they are. The results of a peripheral vision test can tell you a lot about how an eye disease or brain disorder affects you.

If the test reveals a loss of peripheral vision, it indicates the presence of an eye problem that can then be analyzed in greater detail during an eye exam. In addition to the standard eye exam, your eye doctor may also rely on more specific tests to measure the way you see objects in your field of vision. These tests can help diagnose and monitor the progress of an eye disease. Fortunately, there are some home visual field tests you can do yourself to determine if your peripheral vision is in good condition.

These tests are simple and easy to do and can provide valuable insight into your overall eye health.

Kelli Roswick
Kelli Roswick

Avid internet enthusiast. Certified twitter enthusiast. Amateur internet trailblazer. Lifelong internet specialist. Amateur pop culture guru.

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